使用模拟器调试 Arm

模拟器和调试器在处理 V8 代码生成时非常有用。

请注意,此模拟器是为 V8 目的而设计的。仅实现了 V8 使用的功能,您可能会遇到未实现的功能或指令。在这种情况下,请随时实现它们并提交代码!

使用模拟器为 Arm 编译 #

在 x86 主机上,默认情况下,使用 gm 为 Arm 编译将为您提供模拟器构建

gm arm64.debug # For a 64-bit build or...
gm arm.debug # ... for a 32-bit build.

您也可以构建 optdebug 配置,因为 debug 可能有点慢,尤其是如果您想运行 V8 测试套件。

启动调试器 #

您可以在 n 条指令后立即从命令行启动调试器

out/arm64.debug/d8 --stop_sim_at <n> # Or out/arm.debug/d8 for a 32-bit build.


在本地,断点指令会导致程序使用 SIGTRAP 信号停止,允许您使用 gdb 调试问题。但是,如果使用模拟器运行,生成的代码中的断点指令将改为将您带入模拟器调试器。

您可以通过多种方式生成断点,方法是使用 Torque 中的 DebugBreak(),来自 CodeStubAssembler,作为 TurboFan 通道中的节点,或者直接使用汇编器。



假设我们有一个使用 TurboFan 编译的称为 add 的 JIT 函数,我们想在开始时中断。给定一个 test.js 示例

// Our optimized function.
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;

// Typical cheat code enabled by --allow-natives-syntax.

// Give the optimizing compiler type feedback so it'll speculate `a` and `b` are
// numbers.
add(1, 3);

// And force it to optimize.
add(5, 7);

为此,我们可以挂钩到 TurboFan 的 代码生成器 并访问汇编器以插入我们的断点

void CodeGenerator::AssembleCode() {
// ...

// Check if we're optimizing, then look-up the name of the current function and
// insert a breakpoint.
if (info->IsOptimizing()) {
AllowHandleDereference allow_handle_dereference;
if (info->shared_info()->PassesFilter("add")) {

// ...


$ d8 \
# Enable '%' cheat code JS functions.
--allow-natives-syntax \
# Disassemble our function.
--print-opt-code --print-opt-code-filter="add" --code-comments \
# Disable spectre mitigations for readability.
--no-untrusted-code-mitigations \
--- Raw source ---
(a, b) {
return a + b;

--- Optimized code ---
optimization_id = 0
source_position = 12
name = add
stack_slots = 6
compiler = turbofan
address = 0x7f0900082ba1

Instructions (size = 504)
0x7f0900082be0 0 d45bd600 constant pool begin (num_const = 6)
0x7f0900082be4 4 00000000 constant
0x7f0900082be8 8 00000001 constant
0x7f0900082bec c 75626544 constant
0x7f0900082bf0 10 65724267 constant
0x7f0900082bf4 14 00006b61 constant
0x7f0900082bf8 18 d45bd7e0 constant
-- Prologue: check code start register --
0x7f0900082bfc 1c 10ffff30 adr x16, #-0x1c (addr 0x7f0900082be0)
0x7f0900082c00 20 eb02021f cmp x16, x2
0x7f0900082c04 24 54000080 b.eq #+0x10 (addr 0x7f0900082c14)
Abort message:
Wrong value in code start register passed
0x7f0900082c08 28 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
-- Inlined Trampoline to Abort --
0x7f0900082c0c 2c 58000d70 ldr x16, pc+428 (addr 0x00007f0900082db8) ;; off heap target
0x7f0900082c10 30 d63f0200 blr x16
-- Prologue: check for deoptimization --
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x7f0900082c14 34 b85d0050 ldur w16, [x2, #-48]
0x7f0900082c18 38 8b100350 add x16, x26, x16
0x7f0900082c1c 3c b8407210 ldur w16, [x16, #7]
0x7f0900082c20 40 36000070 tbz w16, #0, #+0xc (addr 0x7f0900082c2c)
-- Inlined Trampoline to CompileLazyDeoptimizedCode --
0x7f0900082c24 44 58000c31 ldr x17, pc+388 (addr 0x00007f0900082da8) ;; off heap target
0x7f0900082c28 48 d61f0220 br x17
-- B0 start (construct frame) --

--- End code ---
# Debugger hit 0: DebugBreak
0x00007f0900082bfc 10ffff30 adr x16, #-0x1c (addr 0x7f0900082be0)


请注意,这只是一个示例,V8 变化很快,因此细节可能会有所不同。但是您应该能够在任何可以使用汇编器的地方执行此操作。

调试命令 #

常用命令 #

在调试器提示符中输入 help 以获取有关可用命令的详细信息。这些包括通常的 gdb 类命令,例如 stepicontdisasm 等。如果模拟器在 gdb 下运行,gdb 调试器命令将控制权交给 gdb。然后,您可以从 gdb 使用 cont 返回调试器。

特定于体系结构的命令 #


printobject $register(别名 po#

描述存储在寄存器中的 JS 对象。

例如,假设这次我们在 32 位 Arm 模拟器构建上运行 我们的示例。我们可以检查传递到寄存器中的传入参数

$ ./out/arm.debug/d8 --allow-natives-syntax test.js
Simulator hit stop, breaking at the next instruction:
0x26842e24 e24fc00c sub ip, pc, #12
sim> print r1
r1: 0x4b60ffb1 1264648113
# The current function object is passed with r1.
sim> printobject r1
0x4b60ffb1: [Function] in OldSpace
- map: 0x485801f9 <Map(HOLEY_ELEMENTS)> [FastProperties]
- prototype: 0x4b6010f1 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x42404e99)>
- elements: 0x5b700661 <FixedArray[0]> [HOLEY_ELEMENTS]
- function prototype:
- initial_map:
- shared_info: 0x4b60fe9d <SharedFunctionInfo add>
- name: 0x5b701c5d <String[#3]: add>
- formal_parameter_count: 2
- kind: NormalFunction
- context: 0x4b600c65 <NativeContext[261]>
- code: 0x26842de1 <Code OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION>
- source code: (a, b) {
return a + b;

# Now print the current JS context passed in r7.
sim> printobject r7
0x449c0c65: [NativeContext] in OldSpace
- map: 0x561000b9 <Map>
- length: 261
- scope_info: 0x34081341 <ScopeInfo SCRIPT_SCOPE [5]>
- previous: 0
- native_context: 0x449c0c65 <NativeContext[261]>
0: 0x34081341 <ScopeInfo SCRIPT_SCOPE [5]>
1: 0
2: 0x449cdaf5 <JSObject>
3: 0x58480c25 <JSGlobal Object>
4: 0x58485499 <Other heap object (EMBEDDER_DATA_ARRAY_TYPE)>
5: 0x561018a1 <Map(HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
6: 0x3408027d <undefined>
7: 0x449c75c1 <JSFunction ArrayBuffer (sfi = 0x4be8ade1)>
8: 0x561010f9 <Map(HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
9: 0x449c967d <JSFunction arrayBufferConstructor_DoNotInitialize (sfi = 0x4be8c3ed)>
10: 0x449c8dbd <JSFunction Array (sfi = 0x4be8be59)>

trace(别名 t#


启用后,模拟器将在执行指令时打印反汇编指令。如果您正在运行 64 位 Arm 构建,模拟器还能够跟踪寄存器值的更改。

您也可以使用 --trace-sim 标志从命令行启用它,以从一开始就启用跟踪。

使用相同的 示例

$ out/arm64.debug/d8 --allow-natives-syntax \
# --debug-sim is required on 64-bit Arm to enable disassembly
# when tracing.
--debug-sim test.js
# Debugger hit 0: DebugBreak
0x00007f1e00082bfc 10ffff30 adr x16, #-0x1c (addr 0x7f1e00082be0)
sim> trace
0x00007f1e00082bfc 10ffff30 adr x16, #-0x1c (addr 0x7f1e00082be0)
Enabling disassembly, registers and memory write tracing

# Break on the return address stored in the lr register.
sim> break lr
Set a breakpoint at 0x7f1f880abd28
0x00007f1e00082bfc 10ffff30 adr x16, #-0x1c (addr 0x7f1e00082be0)

# Continuing will trace the function's execution until we return, allowing
# us to make sense of what is happening.
sim> continue
# x0: 0x00007f1e00082ba1
# x1: 0x00007f1e08250125
# x2: 0x00007f1e00082be0

# We first load the 'a' and 'b' arguments from the stack and check if they
# are tagged numbers. This is indicated by the least significant bit being 0.
0x00007f1e00082c90 f9401fe2 ldr x2, [sp, #56]
# x2: 0x000000000000000a <- 0x00007f1f821f0278
0x00007f1e00082c94 7200005f tst w2, #0x1
# NZCV: N:0 Z:1 C:0 V:0
0x00007f1e00082c98 54000ac1 b.ne #+0x158 (addr 0x7f1e00082df0)
0x00007f1e00082c9c f9401be3 ldr x3, [sp, #48]
# x3: 0x000000000000000e <- 0x00007f1f821f0270
0x00007f1e00082ca0 7200007f tst w3, #0x1
# NZCV: N:0 Z:1 C:0 V:0
0x00007f1e00082ca4 54000a81 b.ne #+0x150 (addr 0x7f1e00082df4)

# Then we untag and add 'a' and 'b' together.
0x00007f1e00082ca8 13017c44 asr w4, w2, #1
# x4: 0x0000000000000005
0x00007f1e00082cac 2b830484 adds w4, w4, w3, asr #1
# NZCV: N:0 Z:0 C:0 V:0
# x4: 0x000000000000000c
# That's 5 + 7 == 12, all good!

# Then we check for overflows and tag the result again.
0x00007f1e00082cb0 54000a46 b.vs #+0x148 (addr 0x7f1e00082df8)
0x00007f1e00082cb4 2b040082 adds w2, w4, w4
# NZCV: N:0 Z:0 C:0 V:0
# x2: 0x0000000000000018
0x00007f1e00082cb8 54000466 b.vs #+0x8c (addr 0x7f1e00082d44)

# And finally we place the result in x0.
0x00007f1e00082cbc aa0203e0 mov x0, x2
# x0: 0x0000000000000018

0x00007f1e00082cec d65f03c0 ret
Hit and disabled a breakpoint at 0x7f1f880abd28.
0x00007f1f880abd28 f85e83b4 ldur x20, [fp, #-24]

break $address #


请注意,在 32 位 Arm 上,您只能有一个断点,并且您需要禁用代码页上的写保护才能插入它。64 位 Arm 模拟器没有此类限制。

再次使用我们的 示例

$ out/arm.debug/d8 --allow-natives-syntax \
# This is useful to know which address to break to.
--print-opt-code --print-opt-code-filter="add" \

Simulator hit stop, breaking at the next instruction:
0x488c2e20 e24fc00c sub ip, pc, #12

# Break on a known interesting address, where we start
# loading 'a' and 'b'.
sim> break 0x488c2e9c
sim> continue
0x488c2e9c e59b200c ldr r2, [fp, #+12]

# We can look-ahead with 'disasm'.
sim> disasm 10
0x488c2e9c e59b200c ldr r2, [fp, #+12]
0x488c2ea0 e3120001 tst r2, #1
0x488c2ea4 1a000037 bne +228 -> 0x488c2f88
0x488c2ea8 e59b3008 ldr r3, [fp, #+8]
0x488c2eac e3130001 tst r3, #1
0x488c2eb0 1a000037 bne +228 -> 0x488c2f94
0x488c2eb4 e1a040c2 mov r4, r2, asr #1
0x488c2eb8 e09440c3 adds r4, r4, r3, asr #1
0x488c2ebc 6a000037 bvs +228 -> 0x488c2fa0
0x488c2ec0 e0942004 adds r2, r4, r4

# And try and break on the result of the first `adds` instructions.
sim> break 0x488c2ebc
setting breakpoint failed

# Ah, we need to delete the breakpoint first.
sim> del
sim> break 0x488c2ebc
sim> cont
0x488c2ebc 6a000037 bvs +228 -> 0x488c2fa0

sim> print r4
r4: 0x0000000c 12
# That's 5 + 7 == 12, all good!

生成断点指令,并具有一些额外的功能 #

您可以使用更低级的指令代替 TurboAssembler::DebugBreak(),该指令具有相同的效果,但具有额外的功能。

stop()(32 位 Arm) #

Assembler::stop(Condition cond = al, int32_t code = kDefaultStopCode);

第一个参数是条件,第二个参数是停止代码。如果指定了代码,并且小于 256,则停止被称为“监视”,并且可以禁用/启用;计数器还跟踪模拟器命中此代码的次数。

假设我们正在处理这段 V8 C++ 代码

__ stop(al, 123);
__ mov(r0, r0);
__ mov(r0, r0);
__ mov(r0, r0);
__ mov(r0, r0);
__ mov(r0, r0);
__ stop(al, 0x1);
__ mov(r1, r1);
__ mov(r1, r1);
__ mov(r1, r1);
__ mov(r1, r1);
__ mov(r1, r1);



Simulator hit stop 123, breaking at the next instruction:
0xb53559e8 e1a00000 mov r0, r0

我们可以使用 disasm 查看以下停止。

sim> disasm
0xb53559e8 e1a00000 mov r0, r0
0xb53559ec e1a00000 mov r0, r0
0xb53559f0 e1a00000 mov r0, r0
0xb53559f4 e1a00000 mov r0, r0
0xb53559f8 e1a00000 mov r0, r0
0xb53559fc ef800001 stop 1 - 0x1
0xb5355a00 e1a00000 mov r1, r1
0xb5355a04 e1a00000 mov r1, r1
0xb5355a08 e1a00000 mov r1, r1


sim> stop info all
Stop information:
stop 123 - 0x7b: Enabled, counter = 1
sim> cont
Simulator hit stop 1, breaking at the next instruction:
0xb5355a04 e1a00000 mov r1, r1
sim> stop info all
Stop information:
stop 1 - 0x1: Enabled, counter = 1
stop 123 - 0x7b: Enabled, counter = 1


sim> stop disable 1
sim> cont
Simulator hit stop 123, breaking at the next instruction:
0xb5356808 e1a00000 mov r0, r0
sim> cont
Simulator hit stop 123, breaking at the next instruction:
0xb5356c28 e1a00000 mov r0, r0
sim> stop info all
Stop information:
stop 1 - 0x1: Disabled, counter = 2
stop 123 - 0x7b: Enabled, counter = 3
sim> stop enable 1
sim> cont
Simulator hit stop 1, breaking at the next instruction:
0xb5356c44 e1a00000 mov r1, r1
sim> stop disable all
sim> con

Debug()(64 位 Arm) #

MacroAssembler::Debug(const char* message, uint32_t code, Instr params = BREAK);

此指令默认情况下是一个断点,但也能够启用和禁用跟踪,就像您在调试器中使用 trace 命令一样。您也可以为它提供一条消息和一个代码作为标识符。

假设我们正在处理这段 V8 C++ 代码,它来自准备调用 JS 函数的框架的原生内置函数。

int64_t bad_frame_pointer = -1L;  // Bad frame pointer, should fail if it is used.
__ Mov(x13, bad_frame_pointer);
__ Mov(x12, StackFrame::TypeToMarker(type));
__ Mov(x11, ExternalReference::Create(IsolateAddressId::kCEntryFPAddress,
__ Ldr(x10, MemOperand(x11));

__ Push(x13, x12, xzr, x10);

使用 DebugBreak() 插入断点可能很有用,这样我们就可以在运行它时检查当前状态。但是,如果我们使用 Debug(),我们可以更进一步并跟踪此代码

// Start tracing and log disassembly and register values.
__ Debug("start tracing", 42, TRACE_ENABLE | LOG_ALL);

int64_t bad_frame_pointer = -1L; // Bad frame pointer, should fail if it is used.
__ Mov(x13, bad_frame_pointer);
__ Mov(x12, StackFrame::TypeToMarker(type));
__ Mov(x11, ExternalReference::Create(IsolateAddressId::kCEntryFPAddress,
__ Ldr(x10, MemOperand(x11));

__ Push(x13, x12, xzr, x10);

// Stop tracing.
__ Debug("stop tracing", 42, TRACE_DISABLE);


$ d8 --allow-natives-syntax --debug-sim test.js
# NZCV: N:0 Z:0 C:0 V:0
# FPCR: AHP:0 DN:0 FZ:0 RMode:0b00 (Round to Nearest)
# x0: 0x00007fbf00000000
# x1: 0x00007fbf0804030d
# x2: 0x00007fbf082500e1

0x00007fc039d31cb0 9280000d movn x13, #0x0
# x13: 0xffffffffffffffff
0x00007fc039d31cb4 d280004c movz x12, #0x2
# x12: 0x0000000000000002
0x00007fc039d31cb8 d2864110 movz x16, #0x3208
# ip0: 0x0000000000003208
0x00007fc039d31cbc 8b10034b add x11, x26, x16
# x11: 0x00007fbf00003208
0x00007fc039d31cc0 f940016a ldr x10, [x11]
# x10: 0x0000000000000000 <- 0x00007fbf00003208
0x00007fc039d31cc4 a9be7fea stp x10, xzr, [sp, #-32]!
# sp: 0x00007fc033e81340
# x10: 0x0000000000000000 -> 0x00007fc033e81340
# xzr: 0x0000000000000000 -> 0x00007fc033e81348
0x00007fc039d31cc8 a90137ec stp x12, x13, [sp, #16]
# x12: 0x0000000000000002 -> 0x00007fc033e81350
# x13: 0xffffffffffffffff -> 0x00007fc033e81358
0x00007fc039d31ccc 910063fd add fp, sp, #0x18 (24)
# fp: 0x00007fc033e81358
0x00007fc039d31cd0 d45bd600 hlt #0xdeb0